About Me

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I am in love with and intrigued by the story and plight of the black community. Learning is my passion and I intend to use my passion to show the community that I love ways to effect positive change in their lives as well as others.


Introduction to Me

Over the past few years, while blogging and social networks were exploding, I tried them all. It started out as fun, then turned into marketing, then an effort to stay abreast of technologies and keeping in the loop to realizing that I don't want to become obsolete and finally as a place to be heard. As things changed, so did my needs and interests for the internet. My small group of close friends and aquaintances dwindled. As I got older and everyone went to their respective corners to deal with their own issues and tend to their own families I came to to grips with these facts that sooner or later you have to step aside and let the young folks do their thing. To realize that you are getting older, you only have to point as far as the world wide web. It's tough trying to keep up with the trends; tiring actually. I'm all over the place and there are no advertisements or commercials to market the idea that you don't have to keep up to be relevant. I'm on Twitter, Facebook, Tagged, MySpace, Blogspot, Photobucket and probably some I can't even remember. Some memberships were created on my own and others I was "invited" to join. In this quest to find my niche, my voice and my audience, I realized one thing - maybe i don't really need to keep up with the trends but rather create one of my own. So I started to think about what I could do to secure my place on this internet highway. I was speeding just like almost everyone else. You have to blog everyday, have the right amount of ads, be outrageous enough, know somebody that knows somebody or be one of the lucky ones who "just gets recognized." It's exhausting! So I have decided to slow it down and pull it all together. And this is where I will begin. With Me!

All roads will begin and end right here. With Me! I will be the CEO of my parent sites, this will become the PCP, so to speak - The Primay Care Post. The parent sites will be the ones to specialize in other areas of interest. But they all start with me. So here is where I will begin and in the coming days I will talk about what I have done, what I am doing and hopefully what my future plans are, should there be any. It's therapeutic and will quietly type outloud to myself and see where this journey leads and who knows.....

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