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I am in love with and intrigued by the story and plight of the black community. Learning is my passion and I intend to use my passion to show the community that I love ways to effect positive change in their lives as well as others.


Same Day...Same Shit

My thoughts have overwhelmed me to the point where I have to begin to write...and fast!  Everyday, I watch a heavy dose of politics, maybe a show or two and then it's off to bed I go.  It's my routine and for the remainder of the year, at least, I'm sticking to it. Lately, though, I've been doing a lot of thinking about making writing a part of my daily ritual right now, instead of waiting to turn this new productive leaf over when the new year begins.  My reasons are plentiful.  One, I have no one who will listen to the endless rants about the GOP or what I think the Democrats should be doing to better serve themselves.  Two, it would be a better use of my time if I write, get it out into the community where maybe someone will hear me and decide that we should have a meaningful dialogue. Last, it's just too much crap going on to keep it to myself... somebody needs to talk about what no wants to talk about!

I hear the question a lot about why all these things are going on now during the Presidency of Barack Obama.  I knew it was going to be some shit when so many people refused to call him "President Obama."  I knew it was going to be shit in the game when people took to the streets yelling, "I want my country back."  I knew it was gonna be some shit when the same people who voted for President Obama started complaining about him one and a half years later.  I knew it was gonna be some shit when.....we elected the first Black president of the United States. 

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