I believe that information is one the most important commodities we trade in our society. Some trade information for money, info-to-info, and some give it away for free, hoping that it will, in some way, benefit someone's life. Of course there is money to be made from having the right information to give to the right person, however, too many people have this information and choose to sell it as extra income, etc....
Whatever means you have of getting information or distributing information we can all agree that it is out there and those of us who know how to get it often choose how we are going to distribute it. there's no crime in selling it, but think of the people that can't afford it or don't have adequate access to it. what a shame that is.... most information, especially if it is meant for public consumption, is free - and many of us get it, for free, and sell it for a profit. i'm not saying that is wrong, i'm just saying it is not always moral to do so....
what i am attempting to do here is to distribute information that i find because i LOVE to research, i love uncovering things and sharing them with others whom i feel don't know it, don't really give it much thought, or feel that it doesn't affect them. my solution to ending the lack of pride in your neighborhood and knowing what is going on in your neighborhood and city is to provide my community with an alternative source to information (mostly from secondary resources) that will benefit them, equip them with pertinent information in order to make informed decisions and choices, or learning what they can do with specific information that will allow their voices to be heard on a wide range of issues that effect their lives. So here at MABAM Solutions (Must Achieve By Any Means Solutions), we seek to make you rich with knowledge because it is knowledge and information that is the only key to success. this website is but one arm of our venture to inspire, resource and entertain. while we build our client base through information and learning we are in the process of putting together cultural events that will entertain and often inspire unity in our families and in our community.
About Me
- Pamela Jeri Phillips
- I am in love with and intrigued by the story and plight of the black community. Learning is my passion and I intend to use my passion to show the community that I love ways to effect positive change in their lives as well as others.
Same Day...Same Shit
My thoughts have overwhelmed me to the point where I have to begin to write...and fast! Everyday, I watch a heavy dose of politics, maybe a show or two and then it's off to bed I go. It's my routine and for the remainder of the year, at least, I'm sticking to it. Lately, though, I've been doing a lot of thinking about making writing a part of my daily ritual right now, instead of waiting to turn this new productive leaf over when the new year begins. My reasons are plentiful. One, I have no one who will listen to the endless rants about the GOP or what I think the Democrats should be doing to better serve themselves. Two, it would be a better use of my time if I write, get it out into the community where maybe someone will hear me and decide that we should have a meaningful dialogue. Last, it's just too much crap going on to keep it to myself... somebody needs to talk about what no wants to talk about!
I hear the question a lot about why all these things are going on now during the Presidency of Barack Obama. I knew it was going to be some shit when so many people refused to call him "President Obama." I knew it was going to be shit in the game when people took to the streets yelling, "I want my country back." I knew it was gonna be some shit when the same people who voted for President Obama started complaining about him one and a half years later. I knew it was gonna be some shit when.....we elected the first Black president of the United States.
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