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I am in love with and intrigued by the story and plight of the black community. Learning is my passion and I intend to use my passion to show the community that I love ways to effect positive change in their lives as well as others.


Society Matters

Where do I begin....

Hunger, poverty, war, famine, agriculture, climate change, housing, economy, race, prison system, education…. There are critical issues to address in each of these areas.  In my opinion, each one is equally important.  So where do you begin – to care!  It is so overwhelming to care about so much and very frustrating to want so much to change; with solutions that seem incredibly simple, but unable to make a dent in the pile.  The hope lies in the strength and courage of ordinary people who do extraordinary things -  Arab Spring, Occupy Movement, Civil Rights…  people with no money and very few resources who were able to move mountains. These activists and leaders were truly extraordinary and we in dire need of more of them today.  The problem as I see it is this:  people are too bogged down with the business of living and surviving to find time to care.  The pretense of what is getting done, the good news, appears more contrived than organic in today’s times.  What does it say about our society when every major news show uses the first five to ten minutes focusing on death, murder and mayhem?  What does it say about our society when we use people’s reality as a source of entertainment; shows like Lock Up, Cops, and Caught on Camera.    We are creating a society of citizens who, on the whole have been desensitized, and everyone talks about it, but too many are not doing their part.   

I want to help, I want to make a difference – a big difference, but I can’t seem to find that breakthrough, that thing that will catch fire and go viral.  I need to be catapult into a position to fight (while I still can) for the little people, fight for the poor, the uneducated, bring truth to light, and so on.  The Internet is a wonderful place for anyone to speak, but what gets noticed most often are the gimmicks, a viral video of some outrageous or outlandish scenario.  Creativity is the key!  You have to come up with something that will get you noticed, something different, unique - something that will break through the fray.  That’s where the hope lies, above the fray. Only now I need to figure out how do I get there.

To be continued…..

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