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I am in love with and intrigued by the story and plight of the black community. Learning is my passion and I intend to use my passion to show the community that I love ways to effect positive change in their lives as well as others.


The Politics of Art and Culture

Someone is going to need to explain to me why there are so many public schools losing their funding for programs in the arts while on the other side, there are not-for-profit and for-profit organizations cropping up all over the city offering cultural programs in the arts and music.

It is obvious that the corporate world values artists, musicians and also athletes because of the amount of money that one can acquire by becoming a singer or an actor or an athlete.  They in turn get huge profits from having them at their schools, on their teams, on their labels and in their shows.  So then why don't they invest in public schools' art programs in urban neighborhoods.  Many public schools in affluent neighborhoods are doing just fine.  It's only those in the "inner city" neighborhoods coincidentally that are such dire need of reform and assistance.  It's so hard to believe that this is not contrived because there are other areas where one can point to where this same kind of lop-sided effect takes place.  It is also that way for housing, fresh fruits and vegetables and other essential services.  But if you go into a "upscale" neighborhood, there's an abundance of good food choices, cleaner neighborhoods and more services.  Coincidence??  I don't think so!

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