I am ill and suffering from the guilt that education, access
to resources, and awareness has afforded me.
I am suffering because of the conflict that is going on in my head on an
almost daily basis. By government
standards, I am considered to be among the working poor. I live in housing, take mass transit, and
live from paycheck to paycheck. However, my daughter and I have bachelor’s
degrees and are pursuing higher degrees, my son attends a private high school
and both of my children have traveled to Europe. I work in an environment where I have access
to some of the best resources in city. I
stated this, definitely not to brag, but to put into context the state of my
union. I live in two worlds. I work, learn and often play in arenas that
are far beyond my means of living, but I live in an area that is vastly
different. By all accounts, I SHOULD be
okay, and for the most part I am. BUT….
I am conflicted! I am
torn between the world around me and the awareness that most of it is utter
BS. Most can go on about their lives
content that it is enough that they are responsible citizens. Some feel good that they got a great
education or sent their children to “good” schools, traveled, or can afford
luxuries that some people can only dream of. Some people can ignore the fact that there
are people around the world living in extreme poverty while they shop for $400
shoes, $5 cups of coffee and live in luxury housing. It sickens me to know that the laws and
attitudes in this country and around the world have left so many people
oppressed, depressed and broken. It
saddens me to realize that we will NEVER combat poverty because too many
benefit from people being poor. It hurts
to know that there are so many who simply turn their heads and rationalize that
SOMEONE ELSE will take care of the sick, the poor and the needy while they
horde their land and build their wealth.
Simple acts of sharing can change the world. Being active in the political process can
change the world.
I know charity starts at home, but it shouldn’t end
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