About Me

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I am in love with and intrigued by the story and plight of the black community. Learning is my passion and I intend to use my passion to show the community that I love ways to effect positive change in their lives as well as others.


I Dare You!

I can't deny that I am passionate about politics and my community.  My passion for and growing involvement in these interests have been escalating now for a several years.  In my earlier years, I was not as focused as I would like to have been, especially looking  back.  But my education came late as did my personal growth, thirst for knowledge and the desire to share it.  Nonetheless, this is where I am!  I am aroused, I am hungry and I am aware.  But most of all, I realize that I care and I dare you to do the same.

I dare you to forgo shopping at Macy's and instead shop for a way to improve and become an active partner in your community.

I dare you to be as interested in your community as in keeping up with The Joneses.

I dare you to teach your children appreciation for the black image and respect it!

I dare for your support of black business to equal your support of other businesses.

I dare you to realize that in order for African-Americans to improve our image, our communities, our economic, political and social status - with increased unity - we must become more involved in the political process and be more aware of what's going on in and around our neighborhoods.  It's time for us to stop looking the other way while there's so much work to be done.

I dare you to be aware.



Blurt it Out!!!

This blog is something that I am truly passionate about, but can't seem to discipline myself long enough to write on a consistent basis.  However, when I do find the time, everything that I wanted to say somehow slips my mind or I can't find the right/correct words to adequately convey what I'm feeling or going through about a particular issue.  To that end, I have decided that I will just "Blurt it Out!"

I believe that by doing this, one, it will get me in the habit of writing consistently and two, it will help me focus on the issues that are important to me.  I can't write if I'm not paying attention to what's going on around me.  I can't write if I put it off until my shows go off, my child goes to sleep, or I find "quiet time" to reflect on my emotions about a particular issue.

See, the thing is this!  I have become interested in life, more importantly, my life, what surrounds me, circumstances that cover me like a blanket, purpose, desire, and happiness.  Granted I got interested a bit late, but I think that the good thing is that I got interested at all.  I could have gone through life, got a job, bought a house in the suburbs, vacations with the kids, traveled with the spouse, made home movies and took pictures of the dog.  I believe if that was what my life was supposed to be about, it would have been.  I spent my earlier years doing things that satisfied my quest for fun, but could not sustain my happiness in the years ahead.  What's done is done!  That was then, and this is now!  Now, more than anything, I have purpose.  And if I fulfill nothing else, that purpose must be realized somehow because I feel like that is the mark I want to leave in this world.  I want to know that I've contributed to the greater community, my community, and that in some way, I've given back more than I took away.

In my warped way of thinking, if you live in a community, learn and grow in this community and then leave to continue your journey upward, chasing things, then you're as bad as the ones that you think you're better than because you got "out" and they didn't.  That's what we learn in this country.  Always want more!  Don't settle for less!  As long as more is what "they" say is important, meaningful and fulfilling.  There is someone sitting in a room right now thinking of a way to get you to understand that more is what you want, more is what you need and that you can't get by with what you have.  You need a big house, a new car or diamonds.  You need STATUS!!

This, in my opinion, is the source of the great divide.  Status is fine for those who can afford to spend the money to obtain or gain it.  But there are many more on the lower end of the food chain who desire it as well, but don't see it as a frivolous quest.  To those people it is real; it is something that makes lives better, more worthy.

I'm in this fight and blogging my trials, to help change that way of thinking.  There is so much more to life.  So much more to do, see and be of service for.  Stick with me and let's see if we can't do more to make our communities stronger, through resources, ideas and entertainment!


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